Abid, N., Ayedi, W., Abid, M., Ammari, A.C., SW/HW Implementation of Image Covariance Descriptor For Person Detection Systems, 1st International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Signal and Image Processing (ATSIP 2014), March 17-19, Sousse, Tunisia, 2014, pp. 115-119.

Baaziz, I., Ben Salah, N., Kaddeche, S., Two-dimensional Numerical Study of Hadley Buancy Driven Convection Under a Constant Vertical Magnetic Field, 7th International Conference on Thermal Engineering : Theory and Applications, May 6-8, Marrakesh, Morrocco, 2014, 5p.

Ben Achour, Z., Abbane, S., Touayar, O., Bonnier, G., Study and realization of an original silicon-germanium light trap detector for large band radiometric measurements, 5th International Metrology Conference (CAFMET 2014), March 31st-April 3rd, 2014, Pretoria, South Africa, pp. 29-35. (Indexé sous scopus)

Ben Mansour, I., Maghrebi, R., Sifi, N., Design and Implementation of a Platform for Experimental Characterization of Static and Dynamic Behavior of Analog-Digital Converters, International Conference on Control, Engineering & Information Technology (CEIT 2014), March 22-25, Monastir, Tunisia, 2014, pp. 165-169.

Ben Salem, S., Ben Achour, Z., Touayar, O., Formation and Characterization of Copper Oxide Coating For Absolute Radiant Laser Power Measurement Absorbing Cavity, 5th International Metrology Conference (CAFMET 2014), March 31st- April 3rd, 2014, Pretoria, South Africa, pp. 239-244. (Indexé sous Scopus)

Ben Salem, S., Ben Achour, Z., Thamri, K., Touayar, O., Study and Characterization of Porous Copper Oxide Poduced by Electrochemical Anodization for Radiometric Heat Absorber, 9th International Conference on Porous Semiconductors, Science and Technology (PSST), March 9-14, Benidorm, Spain, 2014.

Ben Salem, S., Ben Achour, Z., Thamri, K., Touayar, O., Study and Characterization of Porous Copper Oxide Poduced by Electrochemical Anodization for Radiometric Heat Absorber, International Conference and Exhibition on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology – Nanotech MEET, April 24-26th April, Hammamet, Tunisia, 2014.

Chammem, H., Dhahbi-Megriche, N., Calcul par Eléments Finis du Champ et du Potentiel Electrique pour Différents Types d’Isolateurs Pollués, Conférence Internationale en Sciences et Technologies Electriques (CISTEM), 3-6 Novembre, Tunisie, Tunisie, 2014, 6p.

Kanzari, M., Zaghdoudi, M.C., Boukhanouf, R., Ibrahim, H.G., Investigation of a Novel Porous Ceramic Evaporative Cooling Heat Pipes System, International Conference On Mechanics and Energy (ICME 2014), March 18-20, Monastir, Tunisie, 2014, 8p.

Keskes, H., Braham, A., DAG SVM and Pitch Synchronous Wavelet Transform for Induction Motor Diagnosis, 7th IET International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives, PEMD (2014), Manchester, United Kingdom, April 8-10, 2014, 6p.(Indexé sous Scopus)

Lahbib, I., Lahyani, A., Sari, A., Venet, P., Performance Analysis of a Lead-acid Battery/Supercapacitors Hybrid and Battery Stand-alone Under Pulsed Loads, 1st International Conference on Green Energy (ICGE 2014), Sfax, Tunisia, March 25-27, 2014, pp. 273-278. (Indexé sous Scopus)

Mansouri, J., Maalej, S., Zaghdoudi, M.C., Paramteric Study of Flow and Heat Transfer Within Axially Grooved Flat Miniature Heat Pipe, The 5th International Conference on Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow in Microscale (HTFMM 2014-V), 22-25 April, Marseille, France, 2014, 6p.

Mehri, S., Ben Hadj Slama, Ammari, A.C., Rmili, H., Genetic Algorithm Based Geometry Optimization of Inductively Coupled Printed Spiral Coils for Remote Powering of Electronic Implantable Devices, Global Summit on Computer and Information Technology (GSCIT 2014), 14-16 June, Sousse, Tunisia, 2014, 6p. (Indexé sous Scopus)

Raouadi, M.H., Sifi, N., Touayar, O., Investigations on the Temperature Field in Multilayer Pyroelectric Thin Film IR Sensors Using 3D Simulation, International Conference on Control, Engineering & Information Technology (CEIT 2014), March 22-25, Monastir, Tunisia, 2014, pp. 170-173.

Sifi, N., Touayar, O., Verification of a Pyroelectric Sensor Model Using Measurements and an Optimization Algorithm, International Conference on Control, Engineering & Information Technology (CEIT 2014), March 22-25, Monastir, Tunisia, 2014, pp. 159-164.

Slimani Khaldi, H., Ammari, A.C., Design and Comparison of Two DC/DC Converter Topologies Interfacing a Hybrid Energy Storage System to the DC Bus, International Conference on Control, Engineering & Information Technology (CEIT 2014), March 22-25, Monastir, Tunisia, 2014, pp. 88-94.

Triki, M., Ammari, A.C., Wang, Y., Pedram, M., Reinforcement Learning Algorithms for Dynamic Power Management, World Symposium on Computer Applications & Research (WSCAR), January 18-20, Sousse, Tunisia, 2014, 6p.(Indexé sous Scopus)