Abid, N., Loukil, K., Ouni, T., Ayedi, W., Ammari, A.C., Abid, M. An improvement of multi-scale covariance descriptor for embedded system, Journal of Real-Time Image Processing, 2020, Vol. 17, N°3, pp. 419-435. (2019 IF = 1.968, Q2)
Ammari, A.C., Adaptive Battery Aware Power Management of a Computer With Self Power-Managed Components, Microprocessors, and Microsystems, 2020, Vol. 72, February, 102947, 12p. (2018 IF = 1.045, Q3)
Ben Abid, F., Braham, A. Second Generation Wavelet Transform for Incipient Fault Detection in Double Cage Induction Motors, Journal of Electrical Engineering, 2020, Vol. 20, N° 5, 8p. (2019 SJR = 0.204, Q3)
Ben Abid, F., Sallem, M., Braham, A. Robust Interpretable Deep Learning for Intelligent Fault Diagnosis of Induction Motors, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2020, Vol. 69, N° 6, pp. 3506-3515 (2019 IF = 3.067, Q1)
Ben Chamekh, M., Ben Achour, Z., Thamri, A., Chtourou, R., Dhahri, E., Touayar, O., Structural and electrical characterization of strontium doped barium titanate for radiometric measurement, Chemical Physics Letters, 2020, Vol. 761, 138008. (2019 IF = 2.029, Q2)
Bouarab, S., Mokhtari, F., Kaddeche, S., Henry, D., Botton, V., Medelfef, A., Effect of high-frequency vibrations on PV silicon purification, Journal of Crystal Growth, 2020, Vol. 529, January, 125298, 12p. (2018 IF = 1.573, Q2)
Hmida, M.A., Braham, A., Fault detection of VFD fed induction motor under transient conditions using harmonic wavelet transform, Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2020, Vol. 69, N° 10, pp. 8207-8215 (2018 IF = 3.067, Q1)
Khriji, L., Ammari, A.C., Awadalla, M.H.A., Artificial Intelligent Techniques for Palm Date Varieties Classification, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 2020, Vol. 11, N° 9, pp. 489-495. (2019 SJR=0.16, Q4)
Khriji, L., Ammari, A.C., Awadalla, M.H.A., Hardware/Software Co-Design of a Vision System for Automatic Classification of Date Fruits, International Journal of Embedded and Real-Time Communication Systems, 2020, Vol. 11, N° 4, 20p. (2019 SJR=0.244, Q3)
Khriji, L., Awadalla, M.H.A., Ammari, A.C., Al Raisi, A., Soft Computing Techniques for Facial Expression Recognition, Journal of Critical Reviews, 2020, Vol. 7, N° 19, pp. 8599-8610. (Indexé Scopus)
Maalej, S., Zayoud, A., Abdelaziz, I., Saad, I., Zaghdoudi, M.C., Thermal performance of finned heat pipe system for central processing unit, Energy Conversion and Management, 2020, Vol. 218, August, 112977, 19p. (2019 IF = 8.208, Q1)
Mokhtari , F., Kaddeche, S., Henry, D., Bouarab, S., Medelfef, A., Botton, V.,Mokhtari , F., Kaddeche, S., Henry, D., Bouarab, S., Medelfef, A., Botton, V., Three-dimensional effect of high frequency vibration on convection in silicon melt, Physical Review Fluids, 2020, 5, 123501, 23p. (2019 IF = 2.512, Q1)
Saad, I., Maalej, S., Zaghdoudi, M.C., Electrohydrodynamic effects on a nanofluid-filled flat heat pipe, Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, 2020, Vol. 16, May, 100426, 17p. (2022, IF=4.56, Q1)
Saad, I., Maalej, S., Zaghdoudi, M.C., Numerical Study on an Electrohydrodynamically Driven Axially Grooved Flat Miniature Heat Pipe, Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, 2020, Vol. 34, N° 1, pp.13-25 (2018 IF = 1.085, Q2)
Souissi, F., Guellouz, S., Ben Salah, N., Kaddeche, S., The flow structure in the narrow gaps of compound channels: a linear stability analysis, International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics, 2020, Vol. 34, N°1, pp. 14-24 (2018 IF = 1.384, Q2)
Trigui, A., Ali, M., Hached, S., David, J.P., Ammari, A.C., Savaria, Y., Sawan, M. Generic wireless power transfer and data communication system based on a novel modulation technique, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, 2020, Vol. 67, N°11, pp. 3978-3990, 9153908 (2019 IF = 3.318, Q1)
Yuan, H., Bi, J., Zhou, M.C., Liu, Q., Ammari, A.C., Biobjective Task Scheduling for Distributed Green Data Centers, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 2020, January, pp. 1-12 (2018 IF = 5.224, Q1)