Abbane, S., Ben Achour, Z., Touayar, O., Study of the system responsitivity to measure the balckbody’s temperature by optical pyrometry from 1200 K to 1570 K, Int. J. Metrol. Qual. Eng., Vol. N° 8, N° 2, 7p., 2017. (Indexé Scopus - 2016 CiteScore=0.52)
Abdelhedi, R., Lahyani, A., Ammari, A.C., Sari, A., Venet, P., Frequency power sharing for battery/supercapacitors hybrid energy storage system in electric vehicles, International Review on Modeling and Simulations, Vol. 10, N° 6, pp. 399-409, 2017. (Indexé Scopus – 2017 CiteScore = 1.13)
Ben Achour, Z., Hammami, M., Touayar, O., Development and characterization of a ZnO/Ge photodiode for optical radiation measurements in the near infrared, Int. J. Metrol. Qual. Eng., Vol. 8, N° 24, 7p., 2017. (Indexé Scopus - 2016 CiteScore=0.52)
Ben Mansour, I., Maghrebi, R., Sifi, N., Touayar, O., Design and implementation of a platform for experimental testing and validation of analog-to-digital converters : static and dynamic parameters, International Journal of Metrology and Quality Engineering, Vol. 8, Article number 13, 12p., 2017. (Indexé Scopus - 2016 CiteScore=0.52)
Ben Sassi, M., Kaddeche, S., Lappa, M., Millet, S., Henry, D., On the effect of thermodiffusion on solute segregation during the growth of semiconductor materials by the vertical Bridgman method, Journal of Crystal Growth, Vol. 458, N° 15, pp. 154-165, 2017. (2016 IF = 1.751)
Binous, H., Kaddeche, S., Bellagi, A., Solution of six chemical engineering problems using the Chebyshev orthogonal collocation technique, Computer Applications in Engineering Education, Vol. 25, N° 4, pp. 594-607, 2017. (2016 IF = 0.694)
Brik, K., Ben Ammar, F., Improved performance and energy management strategy for proton exchange membrane fuel cell/backup in power electronic systems, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 42, pp. 8845-8756, 2017. (2016 IF = 3.582)
Chaabane, I., Banerjee, D., Touayar, O., Cloutier, S.G., Shallow V-shape nanostructured pit array in Germanium using acqua regia electroless chemical etching, Materials, Vol. 10, N° 8, 16p., 2017. (2016 IF = 2.654)
Guizani, S., Nayli, A., Ben Ammar, F., Different feeding configurations of the open-end winding IM by 2-level inverters in degrade mode, Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 17, N° 4, pp. 563-571, 2017. (Indexé Scopus – 2017 CiteScore = 0.22)
Kang, Q., Feng, S., Zhou, M., Ammari, A.C., Sedraoui, K., Optimal load scheduling of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles via weight-aggregation multi-objective evolutionay algorithms, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol. 18, N° 9, pp. 2557-2568, 2017. (2016 IF = 3.724)
Medelfef, A., Henry, D., Bouabdallah, A., Kaddeche, S., Boussaa, R., Effect of rotation on the stability of side-heated buoyant convection between infinite horizontal walls, Physical Review fluids, Vol. 9, N° 2, 29 p., 2017. (2017 IF = 2.021)
Nayli, A., Guizani, S., Ben Ammar, F., Modeling and analysis of the novel dual open-end stator windings wound rotor synchronous machine with dampers, Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, Vol. 25, N°2, pp. 995-1009, 2017. (2016 IF = 0.578)
Nayli, A., Guizani, S., Ben Ammar, F., The dual three-phase open-end stator windings permanent magnet synchronous machine fed by four VSI, Int. J. Modeling Identification and Control (IJMIC), Vol. 27, N°1, pp. 58-67, 2017.(Indexé Scopus – 2017 CiteScore = 2.25)
Nouiri, M., Bekrar, A., Jemai, A., Trentesaux, D., Ammari, A.C., Niar, S., Two stage particle swarm optimization to solve the flexible job shop predictive scheduling problem considering possible machine breakdowns, Computers and Industrial Engineering, Vol. 112, pp. 595-606, 2017. (2016 IF = 2.623)
Petalas, Y.G., Ammari, A.C., Georgakis, P., Nwagboso, C., A big data architecture for traffic forecasting using multi-source information, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 10230 LNCS, pp. 65-83, 2017. (Indexé Scopus - 2016 CiteScore = 0.70)
Romdhana, H., Mejri, A., Ben Hatira, F., Hamzaoui, A.H., A study of fractionation dose effect on the radiation response of windose B3 dosimeter, MAPAN Journal of Metrology Society of India, Vol. 32, N° 4, pp. 305-310, 2017. (Indexé Scopus - 2016 CiteScore=0.88)
Saad, I., Maalej, S., Zaghdoudi, M.C., Numerical study of the electrohydrodynamic effects on the two-phase flow within an axially grooved flat miniature heat pipe, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 107, pp. 244-263, 2017. (2016 IF = 3.458)
Saad, I., Maalej, S., Zaghdoudi, M.C., Modeling of the EHD effects on hydrodynamics and heat transfer within a flat miniature heat pipe including axial capillary grooves, Journal of Electrostatics, Vol. 85, pp. 61-78, 2017. (2016/2017 IF = 1.315)
Triki, M., Ammari, A.C., Extending the service lifetime of a battery-powered system supporting multiple active modes, IOSR Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IOSR-JEEE), Vol. 12, N° 3, pp. 34-46, 2017. (Indexé Copernicus)
Yahmadi, R., Brik, K., Ben Ammar, F., Research of critical causes and improvement of energy storage system reliability in power electronic applications, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 42, pp. 8765-8776, 2017. (2016 IF = 3.582)
Yuan, H., Bi, J., Zhou, M., Ammari, A.C., Time-aware multi-application task scheduling with guaranteed delay constraints in green data center, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, Vol. PP, N° 99, pp. 1-14, 2017. (2016 IF = 3.502)